Book in a box - Sherlock Holmes

  • Samstag, 27. Mai 2023
  • Kathleen Frank

Zugehörige Gruppen

  • Englisch

Projekt: Book in the box Die Schülerinnen und Schüler den 7b haben in Englisch als Projekt in Gruppen ein „Book in the Box“ gestaltet. Thema war Sherlock Holmes und seinen Fall um die „Red Headed League“. Die Ergebnisse wurden am 26. Mai in der Großen Pause als Pausen-Vernissage ausgestellt.

Book in a box - Sherlock Holmes

Projekt: Book in the box - Sherlock Holmes

Die Schülerinnen und Schüler den 7b haben in Englisch als Projekt in Gruppen ein „Book in the Box“ gestaltet. Thema war Sherlock Holmes und seinen Fall um die „Red Headed League“. Die Ergebnisse wurden am 26. Mai in der Großen Pause als Pausen-Vernissage ausgestellt.

We are the 7b and we read Sherlock Holmes and made a book in the box. This box is made by Arina and Carmen. We did Sherlock’s office. In this office, there is a table, a chair, a carpet, a fireplace, and Sherlock himself. We also wanted to go into the details, for example the news paper on the desk of Sherlock or the fire in the fireplace. We spent a lot of time on that project, and we hope you like it!
Arina, Carmen

The story we read was about Sherlock Holmes and a bank robber and was names “The Red Headed League”. We prepared Sherlock Holmes’ office. You can see his desk, a fireplace and a board where he wrote down all the facts. The Read Headed League was very interesting.
Laura and Lenia

This box shows all the different Sherlock Holmes. We spent a lot of time for this. In the box there is the office of Sherlock Holmes.
Nikolai and Maximilian

We have had a project for two weeks to design a box with the theme of Sherlock Holmes. The box is made by Ömer, Niko, Ben and Carlo. We started on the weekend in the afternoon. We thought it would be easy but it wasn’t easy.
Ömer, Niko, Ben, Carlo

My box is divided in two parts. The first part shows the shop of Mr Wilson. In the cellar of this house the criminal John Clay and his helper are digging a tunnel to the Suburban Bank which we can see in the second half. To have enough time they founded the Red Headed League to distract Mr Wilson. Whey they finished the tunnel they closed the Red Headed League and wanted to rob the Suburban Bank. But Sherlock Holmes was faster. He, Mr Watson, the bank’s president and some policemen waited for them in the bank. At least the famous robber John Clay was caught and went to prison.
I found the story very interesting because I liked the content and there is a happy ending.

Last week we read a story about Sherlock Holmes English class. It was a really good story, and we made a book in a box with that theme. Our box represents Sherlock Holmes’ office, and we are happy with that.
Amalia and Theresa

Our book in the box was about Sherlock Holmes. The scene was created from the story The Red Headed League. Two policemen are standing outside the bank while the robbery happens. From the outside you can see pictures of Sherlock Holmes and the time when he lived. Inside, there’s a street, the bank and the police with their car.
We think it was a good experience and a nice difference to the normal lessons, but it isn’t a project we would do again.
Emilia, Anna, Evelyne, Sophia

Our story was about Sherlock Holmes and the “Red Headed League”. The best criminal of England, John Clay, wanted to rob the Suburban Bank with his friend Duncan Ross. Sherlock Holmes stopped the robbery because he was questioned about the “Red Headed League” by Mr Wilson.
For the book in the box I prepared the scene when Sherlock Holmes surprises the criminals while they are stealing the gold.

Our story was about “Sherlock Holmes and the Red Headed League”. The story is about a bank robbery. We built a scene from the story. In the box we can see the bank robbery, shops, and Sherlock Holmes’ office. It liked it because there were so many other ideas.

We made boxes about the story Sherlock Holmes and the Red Headed League. All students made different boxes and parts of the story. We made one part in the cellar, one in prison and one in the bank. We liked the project. It was better than normal homework. The story was also interesting.
Finja, Luisa, Julia, Alyssa


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